- Can I download the database? Where's the source code?
- It's all on github. Feel free
to use the database for anything that seems useful. Let me know what
you do with it?
- I don't see my dance!
- Send me a link and I'll add it: jeff.t.kaufman@gmail.com
- What about weekends, festivals, camps, etc?
- We have those too! trycontra.com/events
- Why does this exist?
- Originally I wrote it because the other
contra dance search tools were aimed at
people who already dance. I wanted something really simple to give
to people who don't dance yet but would like to try.
As of Spring 2023, none of the other listings seem to be current,
so at this point it's effectively the canonical list of contra
dance series.
- Where is the data from?
- In 2013 I put it together
from contradancelinks.com and
searching. Since then I've updated it as I've seen missing things,
and people have been sending me links and letting me know when
listings have gotten out of date.
- Can you list my dance as "Most 3rd Fridays, September -
- While I agree this would be more accurate, my
experience maintaining the site has been that such detailed
information gets out of date very quickly as the hundreds of dances
around the country make small changes to their schedules. So I would
list this as "Some Fridays", to try to strike a balance between "not
to vague" and "not too likely to go out of date". People can click
through to your website to learn the specific dates.
- Where's the full list!
- Here's the list, which you can also have in json.
If you're putting together a tour you might prefer a day-by-day list or maps for each day:
- What about just Gender-Free dances?
- Here's all the dances using non-gendered terms and here is a list of weekends, festivals, and camps.
- Can you make a heatmap?
- ok.
- Could you include links on that heatmap?
- sure.
- Where is the image from?
- I took it at the 2025-01-25 BIDA dance in Cambridge MA.
- How can I see how often performers are booked?
- Have a look at the gig statistics.